Sunday 3 November 2013

Day 3 at Tadoba Andhari Safari

26th Oct 2013

Day 3 of the Safari, Hopes of sighting the elusive big cat was palpable, I thought that if the luck doesn’t favor us at least the law of averages should work today. Entered the gate at 6.00am, first round around the Tadoba Lake No show. We came out on the main arterial road by the time it was well past 7.15am, as were heading inside little ahead down the road we saw one jeep parked aside and the guide of that jeep signaled to our driver, alas he had spotted something exciting. When we came near that jeep, we saw the elusive animal calmly sitting behind the thick bush. He had come for a morning stroll and looked a little sleepy, probably must have been hunting all through the night.

My excitement of seeing the Tiger in the wild new no bounds , but quickly realised that the time is essence in the Wildlife photography , and immediately settled down with my camera and lens and waited for the opportune moments to click. He obliged us for about 6 mins. and calmly disappeared in to his den inside the thick wooded trees. But not before I had taken sufficient shots of various angles and poses. 

Day 3, 4th Safari was completely dominated by him. The luck took a positive turn, after his disappearance further down the road we saw Mottled Wood Owl, Changeable Hawk Eagle & Black shouldered Kite. The Afternoon session was washed out due to heavy rains. At the end of the day the Big Cat sighting made the day. It was 5 down 3 to go.
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