Thursday 31 October 2013

One down Seven to Go !!!

TADOBA (TATR) SAFARI  24th to 28th Oct.
Day one 24th Oct. Second Half session.
One down seven to go!!
We reached Tadoba and checked in at Moharli MTDC by the time it was already 1pm, our 1st safari was in the afternoon at 2.30pm.
It was a bit of a disappointment because neither any movements of Tiger, Leopard was seen, even the birds were hushed. No wonder it is said nobody can assure you Tiger sighting anywhere in the world, and that is the beauty of excitement of the surprise factor.
Within 10 mins. after entering the gate our jeep took a narrow pathway and after moving half a km. inside we saw several vehicles lined up in front of us and realized that the Tiger was walking on the center of the pathway and all the passionate photographers were desperately trying to take a snap, the Tiger was incredibly seen walking down the path oblivious of all the despondency among the viewers watching him from behind. Only the first 2 jeeps were at an advantage.
Here are the 2 images which clearly explains the story.
Enthusiastic Photographers desperately trying to sight the big cat in order to capture him on their lens.

I manage to sight a glimpse and take a shot at this elusive animal.
That’s why I always believe Wildlife Photography is all about 3 P’s “Patience, Perseverance and Providence” of which the last word plays the significant role.